Well, I told you that I would share with you some info as to why my hubby was so supportive and gave me the amazing gift of a newly painted and organized craft room. Although Sean is the most amazing husband in the world and would do anything for me... there was also an ulterior motive in all of this for him:) When I told Sean a few months ago that I would be cutting it close to being able to earn a cruise on the South Mediterranean Sea for him and I for almost 9 days next March, his eyes got a spark in them.
"What do you mean?' he asked. I proceeded to explain to him how I was able to earn an incentive trip with Stampin' Up each year based on either sales, recruiting, or a combination of both. I noticed this last March when I signed up, but didn't take it very seriously as it looked like quite a stretch. Well, the last quarter of the Stampin' Up year is here, and it is not the stretch that I once thought. It will however require work on my part.
I am the first person to acknowledge that we get nowhere in life without the support of those around us and this cruise is no exception. I know that I am in the position that I am because of my wonderful family and friends who supported me when I first started out on this little business venture. Through them I have met many of my customers, who along the way, have become some fabulous friends. Everyone has been so encouraging and positive, especially through all that we have been through with Joe this year.
Something people either love (or dislike) about me is the fact that I am an open book. I'm not one to hide what is going on in my life... nor will I ever be. For that reason, I'm going to share with you my last push of my Stampin' Up year as I work towards achieving this goal. I have come to the realization that if I just miss making cruise, it is because I did not really start on my little Stampin' Up business until the middle of August of last year. I essentially lost July and half of August because I wasn't sure enough of myself to make a go of this. This was a lesson learned going into next year and also one that I am able to share with my recruits as they will all be in a position to earn cruise for next year.
From today until June 30th I have to sell $11 188 worth of merchandise. Some of you may be going "holy cow... that 's a lot of stuff" Well, it is, but it also includes everything that I buy as supplies for my classes etc. Is it too much... well I don't think so as I am usually pretty close to $3500 each month. I can do it. What I am asking of you is that you let me know what kinds of classes you would like to see going in to May and June? I have some fabulous new classes for you which will be coming out in my newsletter tomorrow (email me if you don't already get this and I'll add you to my list). There is also monthly coupon at the bottom of the newsletter so make sure to get your name on my list!
At the end of every week I will give you an update as to how I am doing with this goal. Be sure to check back on Sunday nights as I will post in the right hand side of my blog my updated numbers. My thank you to you will be some fabulous sales going in to May and June. I will add to Stampin' Up's sales with my own little creative sales. You will also be able to find these special offers in the right hand side of my blog! If you are willing to hostess your own Stampin' Up workshop (don't worry, you can have your friends to my house for it:), then I will make it well worth your while with "double your dollars" on your hostess benefits for all workshops booked in May and June! My hostesses also get some other fabulous gifts from me!
DON'T FEEL BAD IF I DON'T MAKE IT! I will just work harder right from the get-go next year so that I have an easier time:)