If you're having trouble understanding the title of my post today, look back at my post from Leadership Convention in January. I thought that I would share something with you today that brought me joy on a sad day. Yesterday, before I had knowledge of what had transpired with my grandmother, I was having an amazing day. I was attending the Regional Stampin' Up conference in Seattle. Much to my surprise, the head of Stampin' Up, Shelli Gardner was there. I had seen her at Leadership Conference in Orlando and I knew that she would be at Convention in Utah, but I wasn't expecting her at an event this size. As usual, she was her amazing self and this time I kept it together enough to have my photo taken with her. I did not blather like a fool, but instead laughed as I retold her the story of my first "Shelli sighting" in Orlando this year. She laughed and said that it obviously wasn't as embarrassing as I'd thought because she never even noticed my stammering:) Sean laughed when he saw the photo and said that I looked like a child having my photo taken with Santa Claus! Can you tell from my tired eyes that I had to get up at 4:45am to drive down to Seattle?????
Well, as usual I am using my crafting for therapy. I have been working on a photo board for my grandmother's funeral service Ontario. Although the tears are flowing as I look through old photos, it is definitely therapeutic. Thank you for your kind messages and phone calls.
OK - this is totally hilarious - you look SO giddy!!!