If you are on my mailing list you should be receving this flyer in the mail any day now! If you are in one of my clubs or have placed an order in the past, this is you! If for some reason you don't get yours please let me know as SU had a problem with my last mail out! This flyer includes some time sensitive rewards for purchasing, hostesses, and signing up as a demo. By clicking on the image you'll be taken to the flyer which I will warn you now, does show some stamps from the new catalogue. So if you want it to be a complete surprise only look at page 12 which lists the upcoming promotions! I want to know if any of you are able to do this! There is now way that I could; I was always the child who peaked at Christmas presents!
Hey, Ange; That link isn't working! Now you've got me worried about what I'm going to miss out on... Yikes!