You know things are way too cool when you can stretch the Hodgepodge Hardware to fit your Define Your Life Definitions! I am SOOOOOOOOOOO in love with this program. As a demo we get a fabulous discount on having our books/ pages printed before Sept. 30th so I am madly working on my pages (22 minimum in a book) so that I can get it in! I remember thinking, "are they crazy, who has time to complete 22 pages before Sept 30th?" but this is so easy that I am well on my way! I'm almost tempted to do a few different books as it would be nice to remove some items off of my "to be scrapbooked" list which now seems to be more like a novel after years of neglect! I have an order going in on October 1st so if you'd like your copy ASAP call/ email me and have your name added to the order! Better yet, if you'd like to join my team of fabulous West Coast Creators, contact me today and we can preorder your MDS so it is shipped immediately and get you in on the fabulous offer to print your books at a great discount!

Even better... the first three people to join my team between now and October 1st will also get the New In Colour Markers for FREE! ($25.95 value... if you've already got them go ahead and pick something else of the same value!)
You're right Ange, this is your best one yet. I can't wait to get my hands on my own copy.