Beth Alexander of Crafty Creations by Beth was so sweet to present me with the Liebster Blog Award. Thank you Beth, it was so sweet of you to think of me!
The award is a way of to showcasing bloggers with fewer than 200 followers to help generate traffic for them. There are so many wonderful blogs out there that we may not have come across yet, and this is the perfect way to share them with others! Here's five of my favourites!
The rules for this award are as follows:
1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on you Blog.
2. Link back to the Blogger who presented the award to you.
3. Copy and paste the Blog Award on your Blog.
4. Present the Liebster Blog Award to (5) Blogs ... of (200) or less followers ...
who you feel deserve to be noticed.
5. Let them know they have been chosen by commenting on one of their posts.
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